After what happened with the troop Memorials in Estonia we starting a new project. And calls on all care, and PLEASE post pictures War Graves THAT CLOSE TO YOU. Cemetery of the Japanese soldiers
We ask you, let us together create a "Military PONTEON" on the Internet.
Access to the photo album is open to all. Anyone can post photos of military graves, graves, tombstones, monuments.
Help us, prisoedenyaytes to us. Internet is something that will breathe new meaning to the words "No statute of limitations or oblivion. And that word is dedicated to memory of friends were not just words, and whipped minded.
We want to gather here as many materials on the fallen soldiers, photographs, articles, stories of all, all chtoVy send us.
We hope that many will follow our example and create sections on their sites devoted to this theme. We are happy to share all the materials which only have at our disposal.
Thank you!