Disappearing cashier.
9 years back a cashier Abdukakhkhor Mamadzhanov disappeared in Uzbekistan.
He disappeared since lost a bag with the pay-envelope of workers of the combine - whether did not decide to appear at work empty-handed, whether was afraid that he will be disbelieved.
The his native found a bag with a money, which all happened from, at home literally the next day in safety and safety. But Abdukakhkhora already and track prostyl. And then his son appealed to "Жди меня". A transmission went out in ether, but responses were not. did not see 9 years of persons children, lived far from a house, probably, hid, woke up on every knock - only from this bag with a money, which was very long ago.
Four years passed after a toy transmission - and only a response came the other day.His acquaintances called us and told: Abdukakhkhor lives far from a house in Tadjikistan, he until now is sure that a money disappeared and that blame him herein.
Abdukakhkhor!!! Answer! At home you are very